Drs. Chodos and Rivera invite you to webinar launching Dementia Care Aware

Executive Director Dr. Anna Chodos and Co-Director and Education Lead Dr. Josette Rivera invite you to join the launch of Dementia Care Aware. 

The California Department of Health Care Services, in partnership with the University of California, San Francisco, is proud to launch Dementia Care Aware, an initiative to improve the ability of primary care teams to detect dementia and create stage-appropriate care plans for higher risk and historically marginalized Medi-Cal beneficiaries.   

Please join us on August 1, 2022, from 12pm-1pm PT via Zoom for “Dementia Care Aware: Cognitive Health Assessment Basics,” the first webinar in a series in which Dementia Care Aware Executive Director Dr. Anna Chodos will introduce the initiative and discuss its centerpiece, the cognitive health assessment. We will also hear remarks from Dr. Karen Marks and Jacey Cooper from the California Department of Healthcare Services, and Susan DeMarois from the California Department of Aging. Participants of the live webinar are eligible to receive 1 CME credit

Please register at: https://ucsf.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_oEFBR8fARniKMEOyXwXACA

DCA Webinar Series Flyer