PREPARE for Your Care is an easy-to-use, online, secure, advance care planning (ACP) program that uses videos and easy-to-read advance directives to help people make medical decisions based on their values, both now and in the future.
Advance care planning (ACP) helps people have a voice in their healthcare. It helps people name a trusted person to make medical decisions in case of an emergency and to prepare for medical decision making.
Since 2013, PREPARE for Your Care, developed by Dr. Rebecca Sudore, has provided easy-to-access advance care planning tools to more than a million people. PREPARE empowers people to have a voice in their healthcare – so they can live more good days, the way they choose. After 10 years of providing free, easy access to Advance Care planning tools, PREPARE has launched its first fundraising campaign! We would really appreciate your support. Make a tax-deductible donation here:

- Check out the PREPARE website to learn more.
- To learn more about the PREPARE research program, visit the PREPARE lab page.
- Download the PREPARE Informational Slides.


Dr. Rebecca Sudore:
Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco.
Staff Physician, San Francisco VA Medical Center
Dr. Sudore is a geriatrician, palliative medicine physician, implementation scientist, Professor of Medicine at UCSF, and Director of the Vulnerable Aging Recruitment and Retention Core (VARC) of the NIA-funded Pepper Center and the Innovation and Implementation Center of Aging & Palliative Care research (I-CAP). Her research focuses on aging, health literacy, health disparities, and developing and testing tools to facilitate health communication and informed medical decision making for historically marginalized older adults. See Dr. Sudore’s profile and the PREPARE Lab research page.