Gabrielle Dressler and Research Team Publish Paper in the Journal of Palliative Medicine

Gabrielle Dressler, Brown University medical student and 2019 MSTAR student, along with Drs. Krista HarrisonSarah GarrettLauren HuntRebecca SudoreChristine Ritchie and others, published a paper in the Journal of Palliative Medicine entitled "'It's Case by Case, and It's a Struggle': A Qualitative Study of Hospice Practices, Perspectives, and Ethical Dilemmas When Caring for Hospice Enrollees with Full-Code Status or Intensive Treatment Preferences". Their study found that hospice staff struggle to engage with enrollee preferences for remaining full code or pursuing intensive treatment while on hospice, with such preferences prompting diverse reactions amongst staff and often resulting in ethical dilemmas.