Geri Spotlight: Shira Rutman and Morgan Nguyen

The Geriatrics Spotlight initiative fosters community building within the Division, especially during this age of hybrid/remote work where it can be challenging to find ways to interact with colleagues outside of your immediate teams. This is a way for Division members to learn more about all the wonderful work we’re doing!

This week, we get to know our division members, Shira Rutman and Morgan Nguyen.

Shira Rutman
Shira Rutman
Title: Project Director, HEARD Study
Joined Division: 2024
Work site(s): UCSF Mission Bay and from home
Email: [email protected]

Interviewed by Morgan Nguyen over Zoom.

About Shira’s Role/Ongoing Projects
Shira is currently working on project H.E.A.R.D. Hospice Equity for people impacted by Alzheimer's and Related Dementias, which is getting ready to launch. The team is looking into improving access and quality of hospice care for underrepresented communities.

Shira is excited to learn and engage with these communities and enjoys working with the community advisory board. The Division’s mission of optimizing care for older adults through research and clinical care is supported as the project hopes research findings will be translated into policy recommendations to improve care.

Her favorite part of her role is being involved in a collaborative effort and connecting with other Division members.

What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Shira's goal is to meet the project's target recruitment numbers and launch Aim 2, which involves engaging with hospice representatives.

More about Shira
What are you happiest doing in your free time?
Shira is happiest walking through Golden Gate Park with her family.

Morgan Nguyen
Morgan Nguyen
Title: Program Manager, Music and Dementia Research Lab
Joined Division: 2024
Work site(s): SFVAHCS and from home in Oakland, CA
Email: [email protected]

Interviewed by Shira Rutman over Zoom.

About Angelica’s Role/Ongoing Projects
Morgan is working on a project looking at people who are newly diagnosed with dementia. The team is studying their personal and social well-being in tandem with music and seeing how music may influence those areas.

She is excited about the study capturing the experiences of those newly diagnosed with dementia and as well as their care partners to see how music affects their quality of life from the beginning of the diagnosis.

Study findings will be used to help forward the existing care and interventions for people who are diagnosed with dementia, supporting the Division’s research and clinical mission areas.

Her favorite aspect of her role is being able to connect with other Division members to learn about how they approach their research.

What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Morgan has a goal to meet the study recruitment target and launch Aim 2 of the project, in which her team will examine the participants’ relationship with the community.

More about Morgan
What are you happiest doing in your free time?
Morgan has been enjoying crocheting, specifically amigurumi (Amigurumi is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small, stuffed yard creatures).