Louise Aronson Shares Expertise Around Maintaining Older Adult Health During COVID-19 Crisis

Louise Aronson, MD continues to be actively involved in sharing her expertise in how older adults can maintain their physical and mental health.

Louise Aronson, MD is working with the San Francisco Department of Public Health to train 40 UCSF medical, pharmacy, nursing and physical therapy students to survey all local nursing homes about their COVID-19 needs, concerns, and responses.

Louise Aronson and her concept of “Silver Architecture” for design that enables people of all ages, especially older adults, were featured in a Forbes article Where Should Seniors Live? We Need More Silver Architecture.

Louise Aronson’s twitter advocacy for older adults was quoted in an article on Common Dreams Poll Shows Tens of Millions of Americans Would Avoid Covid-19 Treatment Over Cost Fears.

Louise Aronson was interviewed for a Livestrong article on The Older Adult's Step-By-Step Guide to Staying Healthy During Lockdown.

Louise Aronson’s advice on exercises for elders during COVID-19 was featured in The Irish Times and the International Business times.

Louise Aronson’s writings about the influence of medical ageism on the COVID-19 response were featured in the UCSF COVID Newsletter on April 29, 2020.

Louise Aronson was featured in the EVCP Espresso May Newsletter on Diversifying Medicine, Empowering Women for her campus-wide talk on aging as part of UCSF’s International Women’s Day celebrations.