Maxine Davis Awarded Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of Medicine

Awards & Honors

Congratulations Maxine Davis for being one of four people to receive the Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the School of MedicineThe award, now in its 20th year, recognizes exceptional service to the School of Medicine. It is the school's most prestigious award, and provides an opportunity to celebrate our colleagues who embody the qualities and contributions exemplified by Holly Smith, MD, professor emeritus and former associate dean, who passed away in June 2018.

Maxine, Division Manager, Division of Geriatrics, Department of Medicine has accelerated the growth and excellence of geriatrics education, research, clinical care, and community outreach. With her 19 years of dedication to the Division of Geriatrics, she has become the go-to person for solving a wide-range of administrative challenges and for developing best practices that are shared with other Division Managers. Maxine has an amazing ability to form relationships across the campuses and actively builds on these connections to learn how to improve and solve challenges for the School of Medicine. Through this process she teaches and elevates others. The Division of Geriatrics would not be in the place it is today without Maxine’s quiet but strong guidance and grace under pressure.

Maxine and other recipients will be celebrated at Salute to Excellence, a reception and recognition for all School of Medicine employees, on Monday, May 13 from 3:00-5:00 pm in Millberry Union at Parnassus. 

Congratulations Maxine!