We Received a Competitive Five Year Renewal from HRSA for GWEP
The Division received a competitive five year renewal from HRSA for the Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP), led by Dr. Josette Rivera, PI, and Dr. Anna Chodos, co-PI. Over the past four years, the GWEP established the UCSF Optimizing Aging Collaborative, through which our faculty and community partners provided 450+ trainings for almost 4000 trainees in primary care and community settings throughout San Francisco. Over the next five years, the Collaborative aims to expand the content and reach of our trainings to increase the competency of our workforce via cross-sector partnerships throughout nine counties across Northern California. This includes partnerships with over a dozen primary care, public health departments, and community-based organizations. The many Division faculty, staff, and community partners are looking forward to embarking on this work to make an impact in the lives of Northern California’s older adults and their communities!