Authors: Du AT, Schuff N, Zhu XP, Jagust WJ, Miller BL, Reed BR, Kramer JH, Mungas D, Yaffe K, Chui HC, Weiner MW
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Tan EJ, Lui LY, Eng C, Jha AK, Covinsky KE
Clinical pharmacokinetics
Authors: Schwartz JB
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Authors: Kang D, Verotta D, Krecic-Shepard ME, Modi NB, Gupta SK, Schwartz JB
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Walter LC, Lui LY, Eng C, Covinsky KE
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Steinman MA, Covinsky KE
Journal of general internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE
The New England journal of medicine
Authors: Wong MD, Shapiro MF, Boscardin WJ, Ettner SL
Journal of neurosurgery
Authors: Oertel M, Kelly DF, Lee JH, McArthur DL, Glenn TC, Vespa P, Boscardin WJ, Hovda DA, Martin NA
The New England journal of medicine
Authors: Gill TM, Baker DI, Gottschalk M, Peduzzi PN, Allore H, Byers A