Genetic epidemiology
Authors: Goddard PC, Keys KL, Mak ACY, Lee EY, Liu AK, Samedy-Bates LA, Risse-Adams O, Contreras MG, Elhawary JR, Hu D, Huntsman S, Oh SS, Salazar S, Eng C, Himes BE, White MJ, Burchard EG
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Shah SJ, Fang MC, Jeon SY, Gregorich SE, Covinsky KE
AIDS and behavior
Authors: Tuthill EL, Maltby A, Conteh J, Sheira LA, Miller JD, Onono M, Weiser SD, Young SL
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Kotwal AA, Holt-Lunstad J, Newmark RL, Cenzer I, Smith AK, Covinsky KE, Escueta DP, Lee JM, Perissinotto CM
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Amjad H, Mulcahy J, Kasper JD, Burgdorf J, Roth DL, Covinsky K, Wolff JL
PloS one
Authors: Dougherty RJ, Moonen J, Yaffe K, Sidney S, Davatzikos C, Habes M, Launer LJ
Brain, behavior, and immunity
Authors: O'Donovan A, Bahorik A, Sidney S, Launer LJ, Yaffe K
Annals of neurology
Authors: Leng Y, Ackley SF, Glymour MM, Yaffe K, Brenowitz WD
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Authors: Flaherman VJ, Afshar Y, Boscardin J, Keller RL, Mardy A, Prahl MK, Phillips C, Asiodu IV, Berghella WV, Chambers BD, Crear-Perry J, Jamieson DJ, Jacoby VL, Gaw SL
AIDS patient care and STDs
Authors: Weiser SD, Sheira LA, Palar K, Kushel M, Wilson TE, Adedimeji A, Merenstein D, Cohen M, Turan JM, Metsch L, Adimora AA, Ofotokun I, Wentz E, Tien PC, Frongillo EA