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Systolic blood pressure postural changes variability is associated with greater dementia risk.
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Accelerated Cognitive Decline in Midlife: the CARDIA Study.
Blood biomarkers of traumatic brain injury and cognitive impairment in older veterans.
Author response: Dietary patterns during adulthood and cognitive performance in midlife: The CARDIA study.
Relation between 20-year income volatility and brain health in midlife: The CARDIA study.
Dietary patterns during adulthood and cognitive performance in midlife: The CARDIA study.
Slowing gait and risk for cognitive impairment: The hippocampus as a shared neural substrate.
Neurogranin, a synaptic protein, is associated with memory independent of Alzheimer biomarkers.
Author response: Dementia risk in renal dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies.
Vascular and dopaminergic contributors to mild parkinsonian signs in older adults.