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Author response: Olfaction and risk of dementia in a biracial cohort of older adults.
Mild TBI and risk of Parkinson disease: A Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium Study.
CNS disease-related protein variants as blood-based biomarkers in traumatic brain injury.
Military-related risk factors in female veterans and risk of dementia.
Rate of ventricular enlargement in dementia of the Alzheimer type correlates with rate of neuropsychological deterioration.
Cerebrospinal fluid monoamine markers are decreased in dementia of the Alzheimer type with extrapyramidal features.
Serial quantitative CT analysis of brain morphometrics in adult Down's syndrome at different ages.
Altered lysosomal proteins in neural-derived plasma exosomes in preclinical Alzheimer disease.
Odor identification and Alzheimer disease biomarkers in clinically normal elderly.
Cognitive function and retinal and ischemic brain changes: the Women's Health Initiative.