Drs. Kotwal, Hunt, and Wallhagen Awarded 2019 NPCRC Grants

Awards & Honors

Congratulations to Drs. Ashwin Kotwal, Lauren Hunt, and Margaret Wallhagen being awarded grants from the National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC)Dr. Kotwal was awarded the Junior Faculty Career Development Award for his "Social Health among Older Adults in the Last Years of Life" research. Dr. Hunt was also awarded the Junior Faculty Career Development Award for her "Potentially Burdensome Health Care Use Following Live Discharge from Hospice for Patients with Dementia" research. Lastly, Dr. Wallhagen was awarded the Pilot/Exploratory Support Grant for her "Older Adult—Caregiver Dyads: Effects of Hearing Loss on Communication Related to Goals of Care in the Context of Serious Illness" research.