Geri Spotlight: Anna Chang and Marisa Guardado
The Geriatrics Spotlight initiative fosters community building within the Division, especially during this age of hybrid/remote work where it can be challenging to find ways to interact with colleagues outside of your immediate teams. This is a way for Division members to learn more about all the wonderful work we’re doing!
This week, we get to know our division members, Anna Chang and Marisa Guardado.
Interviewed by Marisa Guardado via Zoom.
About Anna’s Role/Ongoing Projects
Anna is currently working with the Department of Medicine PRO-cess project in efforts to support clinician educators. She is grateful to be able to offer mentorship and support to junior faculty in the Division. Her favorite part of her work is building rich relationships with her colleagues.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Anna’s professional goal for the upcoming year is to ensure sustainability for the Tideswell Emerging Leaders in Aging Program.
More about Anna
What is something Anna has learned this year?
As an introvert, Anna continues to work on building connections with her wonderful colleagues. This year, she learned a great deal about the power of community, and how one person who cares has the power to lift other community members out of a dark place. Fifty people who care can sustain a meaningful program, like Tideswell!
Interviewed by Anna Chang over Zoom.
About Marisa’s Role/Ongoing Projects
Marisa is currently involved with the GUIDE program for patients with dementia and their caregivers. She is excited that this program offers a respite grant to caregivers of older adults in need. Her favorite aspect of her role is making home visits.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Marisa aims to implement the GUIDE program successfully.
More about Marisa
Any “fun facts” about you that not many people know?
Marisa has a 16-month old named Gaia. Gaia is social, inquisitive, and will start daycare in Februrary 2025. Marisa is happiest spending her free time with Gaia and her husband.