JAMA internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE
JAMA internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE
JAMA internal medicine
Authors: Perissinotto C, Covinsky KE
JAMA internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE
The British journal of dermatology
Authors: Mihalis EL, Wysong A, Boscardin WJ, Tang JY, Chren MM, Arron ST
AIDS and behavior
Authors: Tsai AC, Weiser SD, Steward WT, Mukiibi NF, Kawuma A, Kembabazi A, Muzoora C, Hunt PW, Martin JN, Bangsberg DR
Authors: Josette Rivera, Michi Yukawa, Susan Hyde, Amber Fitzsimmons, Janelle Christman, Alice Gahbauer, Alison Scheid, Maria Wamsley
Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.)
Authors: Lam K, Hwang SW, Dhalla IA, Hota S, Thorpe K, Palda VA, Brown A, Klein DJ
Optimism of best subset selection by AIC/BIC for prognostic model building
Authors: Miao Y, Cenzer IS, Kirby K, Boscardin WJ
Estimating Harrell’s optimism on predictive indices using bootstrap samples
Authors: Miao Y, Cenzer IS, Kirby K, Boscardin WJ