Journal of bone and mineral research : the official journal of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Authors: Cauley JA, Zmuda JM, Yaffe K, Kuller LH, Ferrell RE, Wisniewski SR, Cummings SR
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Matthews K, Cauley J, Yaffe K, Zmuda JM
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Covinsky KE, Martin GE, Beyth RJ, Justice AC, Sehgal AR, Landefeld CS
Archives of general psychiatry
Authors: Yaffe K, Blackwell T, Gore R, Sands L, Reus V, Browner WS
The Western journal of medicine
Authors: Yaffe K, Yaffe SJ
Annals of internal medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE, Kahana E, Chin MH, Palmer RM, Fortinsky RH, Landefeld CS
The American journal of medicine
Authors: Covinsky KE, Wu AW, Landefeld CS, Connors AF, Phillips RS, Tsevat J, Dawson NV, Lynn J, Fortinsky RH
Annals of internal medicine
Authors: Justice AC, Covinsky KE, Berlin JA
The Nursing clinics of North America
Authors: Kresevic DM, Counsell SR, Covinsky K, Palmer R, Landefeld CS, Holder C, Beeler J
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Authors: Yaffe K, Grady D, Pressman A, Cummings S