Geri Spotlight: Qiao Yu Kuang and Missy Cheese
The Geriatrics Spotlight initiative fosters community building within the Division, especially during this age of hybrid/remote work where it can be challenging to find ways to interact with colleagues outside of your immediate teams. This is a way for Division members to learn more about all the wonderful work we’re doing!
This week, we get to know our division staff, Qiao Yu Kuang (pictured left) and Missy Cheese (pictured right).

Role: Program Analyst, DCA
Joined Division: May 2020
Work site: Mission Bay office, and from home in SF, CA
Email: [email protected]
Interviewed by Missy Cheese over lunch
About Qiao’s Role/Ongoing Projects
As a Program Analyst, Qiao supports the Dementia Care Aware-San Francisco Health Network by assisting with the implementation of the Cognitive Health Assessment and development of brain health plans. She finds it exciting to work with a great group of people and be part of the implementation process. Qiao also supports the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program.
Her favorite aspects of her role are the people she gets to work with and having the opportunity to support the implementation of the Cognitive Health assessments. This project aims to train healthcare professionals in improving and providing excellent care for older adults. Supporting these efforts in her role is rewarding to Qiao.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Qiao’s goal is to present her team’s DCA-SFHN work at an upcoming conference.
More about Qiao
What is a “fun fact” about you that not many people know?
For a long time, Qiao wanted to become a career Cuban-style salsa dancer!
What are you happiest doing in your free time?
Qiao enjoys cooking in her free time.
What is the best advice you’ve ever heard?
“What is meant to be yours, will be yours.”
What are some causes you care about?
Qiao cares about urban and local planning, as well as the preservation of local ecosystems to address the effects of climate change.
What would your backup career be?
See above! Qiao would be a Cuban salsa dancer.
What else would you like us to know about you?
Qiao works at the Farmer’s Market at the Ferry Building on Saturdays and welcomes folks to stop by to say hello!

Role: Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Dementia Care Aware
Joined Division: April 2023
Work site: Mission Bay and from home
Email: [email protected]
Interviewed by Qiao Yu Kuang over lunch
About Missy’s Role/Ongoing Projects
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker on the Dementia Care Aware team, Missy’s work centers around supporting the DCA-SF Health Network clinics by implementing the Cognitive Health Assessment and developing Brain Health Plans. Missy feels her team is incredible at enhancing and addressing the care needs of older adults. Some of her favorite aspects of her role are the people she gets to work with and the opportunities for innovation.
Missy’s work and role advances the Division’s mission through patient care, as DCA aims to increase cognition screening in efforts to support improved quality of life and optimized advanced care planning for older adults.
What is a professional goal you would like to accomplish by the end of this year?
Missy has accomplished her professional goal this year of becoming a certified dementia care specialist!
More about Missy
What is a “fun fact” about you that not many people know?
Missy can read and write in Thai!
What are you happiest doing in your free time?
Missy is happiest reading or hiking.
What is the best advice you’ve ever heard?
“If you can’t say it simply, you don’t know it well enough.”
What are some causes you care about?
Dementia care is a cause Missy cares about.
What would your backup career be?
Missy would be a plastic surgeon, performing reconstruction procedures, such as tummy tucks. She does, however, emphasize she would not perform rhinoplasties.
What else would you like us to know about you?
Missy loves languages.