Food Assistance
Food Resources
From home-delivered meals to shopping with pickup or delivery, here are resources and information to help you meet your nutrition needs in the SF Bay Area. Most services require an application and charge a small fee unless otherwise indicated.
East Bay
Alameda County Community Food Bank
Emergency Food Helpline: 1-510-635-3663.
J-Sei - Berkeley: 1-510-654-4000. J-Sei is a multi-generational and multi-cultural organization with its roots in Nikkei values and culture. Delivers Japanese meals for people 60+ y/o who have difficulty leaving home within the City of Berkeley only. Deliveries can be made for community dwelling older adults, seniors living in assisted living facilities, and multi-generational families.
Meals on Wheels – Alameda County: 1-510-777-9560. Home-delivered meals within Alameda County for homebound seniors 60+ y/o.
Project Open Hand – East Bay: 1-510-622-0221. Home-delivered meals within Oakland for eligible applicants with a variety of critical illnesses.
North Bay
Ceres- Meals for Health Program is offered for residents of Sonoma and Marin Counties and is a weekly home delivery service consisting of healthy and organic meals made to meet the nutritional needs of people with chronic and acute illnesses.
South Bay
Meals on Wheels – San Mateo County (Peninsula Volunteers, Inc.): 1-650-272-5041. Home-delivered meals for people 60+ y/o.
Second Harvest of Silicon Valley (Food Bank)
Request a call by filling out a form on our website. Text “GETFOOD” to 1-408-455-5181, or phone 1-800-984-3663 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Staff Speaks English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Tagalog. Three-way interpretation available for other languages. Afterhours – Call 211, which is available 24/7 in multiple languages.
San Francisco
Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center
Brown Bag Program- every Thursday, free for residents of SF 60+ y/o. Through their Food Box program seniors 60+ y/o who qualify may receive a food box as part of the federal Commodity Supplemental Food Program. One the second Saturday of the month, BHNC distributes non-perishable items through this program.
Cal Fresh (Food Stamps)
CalFresh Office, 1235 Mission Street, 415-558-4700
Check eligibility & apply online at
Available to all SSI recipient’s w/o reducing SSI/SSP payments
Must apply for Cal Fresh EBT Card
Emergency food assistance available at 1235 Mission St Service Center (available only 1x/ per 12-month period)
“Choosing Healthy Appetizing Meal Plan Solutions for Seniors”
Dietician approved menu for 60 yrs +, including spouse regardless of age
Application forms need to be submitted in person to any Self-Help for the Elderly Senior Center: Call 415-677-7600 for more information.
Community Dining Program (Congregate Meals Program)
Daily group lunches for 60 years +, small donation suggested but not required
Ethnic cuisines: American-Southern, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Kosher, Latino, Russian, Samoan-Hawaiian, and Western foods
Several SF locations: Call 415-557-5000 and ask for congregate meals program.
Curry Senior Center
333 Turk Street (at Hyde)
For those age 60 and over with ID, breakfast and lunch every day, suggested $2 donation, sign-up 8 am for lunch. Meal delivery is available for the homebound.
Food pantries in SF
If you are in immediate need of food assistance dial 211, you will receive a 3-day supply of food.
Available once in a 12-month period.
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank, 415-282-1900
Food pantries in Oakland:
Glide Daily Free Meals Program
No eligibility requirements.
Phone: 1-415-674-6040.
330 Ellis Street at Taylor 94102.
Special breakfast service reserved for seniors, families and adults with disabilities each morning from 7:30 – 8:00 am. M-Sun 8:00 - 9:00 am American breakfast & Vegetarian available (Call for details). 12pm-1:00pm American Lunch, 4:00pm-5:00pm American Dinner
Home Delivered Meal Program
Open to all who are home-bound, call for eligibility, participant must be referred
To refer client, call 415-355-6700 (providers & discharge planners only)
Kimochi: 1-415-931-2287. Home-delivered meals within SF for homebound seniors 60+ y/o. The Home Delivered Meals program also has the additional benefit of a weekday check-in and socialization with our delivery staff or volunteers. An eligibility assessment is required.
Martha's Senior Gourmet
They have several meal plans for fresh prepared meal delivery. Each plan is available from 3-7 days a week and is based on a four week rotation. Call 415-500-7990 today to ask.
Meals on Wheels – San Francisco: 1-415-355-6700 (SF Department of Aging and Adult Services). Home-delivered meals within SF for homebound seniors 60+ y/o. Older adults with limited mobility can also apply to have groceries delivered.
Mission Food Hub
Provides culturally appropriate groceries for Latinx families and individuals in need of food support. Groceries can be picked up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10-3pm. Call them at 415-206-0577.
Project Open Hand - San Francisco: 1-415-447-2326. Home-delivered meals within SF for eligible applicants with a variety of critical illnesses.
St. Anthony's
Free dine-in or pre-packaged to-go meals at their Dining Room everyday. 10:00am-1:30pm at 121 Golden Gate Avenue.
Salvation Army - Meals That Heal
South of Market and Tenderloin delivery area
Provides home-delivered meals to homebound individuals M-F and a bag of groceries on weekends for those who need it. Suggested donation per meal.
San Francisco Government - Get Food Resources
San Francisco-Marin Food Bank: 1-415-282-1900. Find food assistance in SF and Marin and help enrolling in CalFresh (food stamps). Home-delivered food boxes (in SF only) for seniors age 60+ y/o or adults with disabilities
San Francisco Aging and Disability Resource Centers
These centers are located throughout San Francisco for free information and assistance on food access (and other issues) affecting seniors and people with disabilities. Many are currently providing meals to-go for a low cost. Call 415-557-5000 for general information.
San Francisco Human Services Agency- Groceries and Meals
HSA and our community partners provide food assistance to individuals, families, older adults, and adults with disabilities. With additional support from the Give2SF COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, we've enhanced many of our food programs to help vulnerable San Franciscans through this time.
Senior Lunch Programs (San Francisco Office of Aging – Congregate Meal Sites)
Bayview Hunters Point Senior Center, 1250 La Salle Avenue, 415-826-4774,
Centro Latino de San Francisco, 1656 15th Street, 415-861-8758,
Episcopal Community Service, 165 8th Street, 415-487-3790,
Glide Foundation/United Methodist Church, 330 Ellis Street, 415-674-6000,
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco, 3200 California Street, 415-292-1260,
Kimochi Senior Center, 1840 Sutter Street, 415-931-2287,
30th Street Senior Center, 225 30th Street, 415-500-2210,
Project Open Hand, 730 Polk Street, 415-447-2300,
Russian American Community Services, 300 Anza Street, 415-387-5336,
Self-help for the Elderly, 731 Sansome St #100, 415-677-7600
Samoan Community Development Center, 2055 Sunnydale Avenue, 415-841-1086
Western Addition Senior Center, 1390 ½ Turk Street, 415-921-7805
Senior Supplemental Food Program
Provides a monthly box of USDA food to low-income seniors. SF-Marin Food Bank operates distribution sites.
Shopping. Grocery story delivery options vary by location. See Websites or contact local stores for details, and ask delivery services about “touchless” delivery options for food to be delivered without direct contact at the door.
- Safety Guidelines for Grocery Shopping from San Francisco Village
- Albertsons
- Amazon
- Costco
- Instacart
- Lucky Supermarkets
- Safeway
- Target
- Whole Foods Market
Ordering and Delivery Services (Independent). Products and services may be ordered online for delivery. See websites for details and ask delivery services about “touchless” delivery options for food to be delivered without direct contact at the door, unless otherwise indicated.
Sign up with SF Mutual Aid if you need help shopping or having goods delivered. Although delivery is FREE, you will need to pay for the products that you purchase.
The following requires a mobile phone and credit card linked to the app:
Caviar: order food from restaurants for delivery or pickup.
DoorDash: order food from restaurants for delivery or pickup.
Grubhub: order food from restaurants for delivery or pickup.
Postmates: order food (or other products) for delivery in San Francisco or the East Bay.
Uber Eats: order food from restaurants for delivery or pickup.
Lasagna Love- Started by a mother at the beginning of Covid, she baked food for her neighbors directly impacted by Covid. Eventually this kind act spread and Lasagna Love was created. Anyone can request a lasagna, which is located on the request a lasagna tab, and they will receive a lasagna with a limit of one per month. These lasagnas are made by local volunteers and hand delivered. Hoping this will benefit our patients, caretakers, families and staff.
Geriatrics Community Resources webpages managed by: [email protected]