Outpatient Geriatrics Consults
Center for Surgery in Older Adults (CSOA)

About Us
The Center for Surgery in Older Adults (CSOA) is an interdisciplinary team of researchers, educators, and care providers at UCSF dedicated to improving surgical care for older adults. Goal is to discover and implement patient-centered best practices in geriatric surgery that will help older patients achieve their treatment goals and maintain independence and vitality.
UCSF Center for Surgery in Older Adults
Integrative Aging Clinic
About Us
The Integrative Aging Clinic at the UCSF Osher Center on the Mount Zion campus helps people live well throughout the decades and stages of later life, drawing from conventional medicine, emerging geroscience, lifestyle and integrative medicine. Through consultations and ongoing collaborative care, the clinician and patient work together to optimize not only disease management but also healthy aging and wellness.
The practice is open to anyone from age 60 through centenarians and with any health status, whether healthy, living with a serious illness, chronically ill or frail. Care partners are welcome to join the visits with the patient’s permission. An initial two-visit consultation will include a comprehensive assessment of health fundamentals, medical conditions, medications, function, and goals, as well as of aging-related hopes and concerns. Ongoing care includes periodic wellness and optimizing aging evaluations, geriatric and/or integrative supplementation of regular primary or specialty care, and more intensive treatment of active medical conditions and health challenges. Additional services available at the Center include nutrition, insomnia programs, psychiatry, mindfulness classes, acupuncture, and physical therapy.
Louise Aronson’s TEDMED talk
In 2020, Dr. Louise Aronson gave a TED talk called “Embracing Elderhood as a Stage of Life” articulating her vision of old age as one of the three main, long and varied stages of the human lifespan. It is this vision of old age as full of untapped potential and opportunities that led her to found the Integrative Aging practice in order to expand geriatric care to include delaying and improving age related health challenges in addition to supporting people with advanced age or illness as has been the traditional focus of geriatric medicine.
AGE SELF CARE is an innovative, evidence-based group visit program that educates and empowers older adults about health, social engagement, and home adaptation.
AGE SELF CARE uses weekly online small group training and peer support sessions, combined with self-care exercises done at home between sessions, to provide older adults with the knowledge and tools they need to remain safely in their homes. The weekly sessions are designed by an interdisciplinary team of experts in aging, geriatrics, self-care, home design, social supports, and human psychology.
Our Mission
More than ever, older people in the U.S. find themselves at the intersection between society and health systems equipped with an empty directory – unable to locate age-appropriate medical care, optimize their use of existing elderly services, or maximize their health and functional abilities. As a result, individuals of growing age and disability care needs must fend for themselves.
We seek to provide more widespread access to geriatric knowledge to increase the quality of life in older ages and detract from social deficiencies in the senior care market.
UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Silver Project: HIV and Aging
About Us
The Silver Project focuses on the needs of people over the age of 50 who are living with HIV. This program is committed to maintain patients’ health and enhancing their long-term quality of life through comprehensive care provided by UCSF HIV specialists, Geriatricians, dietitians, pharmacists and social workers, all of whom specialize in treating HIV and AIDS.