CMS Requests Public Comment on NCA Tracking Sheet

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved, aducanumab (brand name Aduhelm™) for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease with relabelling for use only in mild Alzheimer's Disease. There is a great deal of controversy about this approval and CMS is calling for public comment on whether or how it should cover the expenses for this medication and have opened a 30 day period for public comment.   AGS opposed the approval of aducanumab and arguments for and against its approval and the options for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) were recently discussed in this weeks JAMA Internal Medicine.  Please make your opinions known "National Coverage Analysis (NCA) Tracking Sheet for Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against Amyloid for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease". Please submit comments by August 11, 2021.